Wednesdays 7.30 – 9.30pm 12th November – 10th December 2014 Cost: £50
A short course for men who want to explore spirituality together. How can men listen and talk, with care and sensitivity, about things that really matter in their lives? This course will explore our direct experiences and beliefs, working with silence and the quality of ‘not knowing’ that underlie many forms of spirituality outside of belief systems. The course will be led by Dan Lupton and John Careswell, who have explored the relationship between spirituality and personal growth for many years, and co-founded an existing Men’s Group in Frome. Initially there will be 5 meetings, mainly structured around sharing our journeys, listening to and learning from each other. A further course may follow. John Careswell has lived in Frome for nearly 30 years. He is a recently retired Counsellor & Acupuncturist. He regularly spends time in India, and helps run silent retreats in the UK. He is committed to exploring how men can meet and communicate at a deeper level. Contact: Dan Lupton offers Counselling with Mindfulness and Mindfulness Teaching in Frome. He has 25+ years meditation experience in a variety of traditions and has been in Men’s Groups for 20+ years. Contact: or 07968 729 090 / 01373 474 699.