Such great news that we can welcome you back to our IN STUDIO MAT classes and 1:1s on Wednesday 2nd December!
From Wednesday 2nd December to Friday 18th December our Half term 2 MAT CLASS timetable resumes as normal , with the exception of Sophy’s Wednesday 9.15am and 10.30am classes which will continue via zoom for the rest of half term. Equipment classes will re-start on 4th January.
If you were enrolled for IN STUDIO MAT classes before lockdown2, you can return to the studio as normal on Wednesday. The zoom option for mat classes will continue as before the lockdown.
We are in Tier 2 and our class sizes will remain the same as we can provide covid-safe social distancing in class. However, from 2nd December we must ask people to wear masks when entering and leaving the building, and not to socialise in or on the grounds of our premises after classes. You will not be required to wear a mask once your on your mat, as at that point you will be socially distant.
For anyone interested please see the latest information from UKACTIVE
1:1s can resume in the studio from Wednesday next week too. Please contact your teacher directly if you wish to make an appointment.