Summer Solstice Special: Yoga and Yoga Nidra Session with Bea

Online Yoga and Yoga Nidra Session with Bea

Date: Sat 26.6.21
Time: 10:00 – 11:40 GMT
Place: online (zoom)

Come and celebrate the summer solstice with Bea.
Summer Solstice marks the height of day light hours and is a great time to ignite the light within, revisit intentions or set new ones for the remainder of the year.

The session will begin with a yoga class that will balance the natural extroversion of the yang qualities of summer with some cooling and gentle Yin poses to soothe and revitalise you. After this Hatha flow class there will be a brief pause for you to settle into a nourishing Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) led by Bea. Combining an intention (Sankalpa ) with Yoga Nidra is a very powerful practise as you are embedding the seeds of your consciousness deep into your mind.

Cost: £15 for full session
Or for anyone who wishes to attend the Nidra Only: donation (we suggest between £5-£10)

Props: You will need a block, bolster or cushion and a shawl or blanket for Nidra

10:00 – 11:00 Yoga practise
11:00 – 11:10 opening the ‘room’ for Nidra only
11:10 – 11:40 Yoga Nidra
A recording will be supplied, which will be available for 2 weeks.
