Scroll down for upcoming Shoulder and Vertical Pilates masterclasses.
24th April, 10:00am – 1:00pm
25th April, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Cost £95 or £80 (if booked by April 3rd)
This workshop is now fully booked but if you’re interested in future dates we would love to hear from you.
Open to all Pilates teachers and any other movement based teacher who wishes to further their knowledge and repertoire in relation to the world of fascia.
How fit is your fascia?
Encourage a more elastic, stronger and efficient fascial network.
Much of Pilates works with fascial principles but when, what and why? How can we stimulate and regenerate it further?
This workshop will cover the principle concepts that encompass fascial fitness. It’s not all about the bounce and roll. Understand the different techniques and movement modalities needed to be fascially fit, integrate fascial orientated training principles into Pilates.
After an introduction all about fascia including current research we will dive straight into the practical work with a class exploring and enlivening our inner space. I hope to introduce you to new exercises and show you adaptations of familiar ones. Following on there will be demos and breakdowns of many of the exercises; highlighting cueing and corrections. Be ready to move, or just observe.
You will be given handouts with exercise descriptions, a list of references and access to the video of exercises. Spaces will be limited to 14 to ensure you can all be seen and heard.
This workshop was presented for the first time in Nov 2020 for the Pilates Foundation UK, here is an example of the feedback from that event:
‘Completely absorbed by your tuition, integrity and oodles of knowledge. Masses more material now to absorb and integrate. Feel deeply reassured that am working along these lines already and love that you’re so at ease sharing your expertise with us. I really appreciate you sorting impeccable notes too.’ Mo Morgan
‘I just wanted to pop you a quick line to say thank you for your inspiring fascia workshop a few weeks ago. Working in East Devon – like you, many of my clients don’t have the capacity to spend on massage or equipment so it is great to get a better understanding of what we can do with just movement.’ Charlotte Moorley
‘I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your workshop – it was really informative and inspiring and I enjoyed how all the movements felt. I also think the Zoom format works really well.’ Sarah Hildebrand
BOOKINGS: contact
Saturday 8th May, 10:00am – 12:15pm, (2 hrs 15 mins) , £45
A practical master class for teachers focusing on improving shoulder mechanics and health.
We will cover a range of exercises and techniques (Pilates, Somatics and more) that release tension, create space, improve alignment, mobility, stability and strength for healthy shoulders and neck. During the class Liz will highlight benefits and contraindications of exercises in relation to common shoulder conditions.
There will be time for questions and discussion at end.
People with shoulder or neck issues are encouraged to attend.
A zoom recording will be available for viewing.
New workshop so no feedback as of yet.
VERTICAL PILATES with Liz Chandler
(Drawing inspiration and exercises from my 6 hour workshop of the same title.)
Sunday 9th May, 10:30am – 12:45pm (2 hrs 15 mins), £45
We will put Pilates onto its feet, focusing on functionality, desirable movement patterns, balance and co-ordination to promote efficient multi-dimensional movement. You will be taught a range of repertoire (including some of Joe’s historic standing exercises) that will provide vertical and functional challenges for the mat with an emphasis on maintaining postural integration and optimal bio-mechanics from the sole of the foot to where the atlas meets the skull.
This would be an opportunity for any of you who have attended the full day workshop to review exercises covered before and to learn some new additions.
A zoom recording will be available for viewing.
Feedback from previous workshop participants:
‘It was fantastic and has given me loads of material for my classes. Thank you again, love your work.’
‘The workshop on Saturday was great – thank you very much. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I look forward to spending more time in my classes standing up and sweating!’
‘Great day – brilliant teaching, loads of tips and cues.’
BOOKINGS: contact