Helen Goddard

Contact Helen: shortballerina@hotmail.com – 07816 908996

Helen was passionate about movement and dance from a young age, and continued to dance regularly into her thirties. Through her dance teacher, Helen discovered Pilates nearly 20 years ago and found that it complemented the flow, control and whole body movement of dance.

She fell in love with the precision and biomechanics of Pilates and with the somatic and holistic nature of the practice. Having studied physiology as part of her degree, Helen was inspired to learn more and qualified in mat and equipment based Pilates with the Pilates Foundation, training for three years with Anne-Marie Zulkahari at the Pilates Yoga Movement studio in London.

As a busy working mum, Helen finds Pilates helps her to feel calmer and more centred as well as building her strength and flexibility. Having experienced injuries herself, Helen has developed an understanding of how clients may feel when they are attending Pilates sessions with pain or injury. Pilates has been an integral part of injury recovery for Helen and she is keen for her teaching to support others to experience the same. Helen loves exploring ways in which Pilates can be effective in restoring balance in the body, building confidence in movement and increasing bodily awareness.

Contact Helen: shortballerina@hotmail.com – 07816 908996